

Anne & Gilbert is an unusual Canadian theatre story. Since its launch in 2005 it has become the most successful and critically acclaimed new musical in Canada in recent memory.

With rave reviews in Variety, The Toronto Star, The Ottawa Citizen, and many other publications, it has accomplished in tiny Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest province, what few other Canadian musicals have achieved anywhere.

Its popularity in Canadian theatres is owing to a small army of enthusiasts, none more important than the three, gifted  writers who started it all: Jeff Hochhauser, Bob Johnston and Nancy White. Their stage adaptation of L.M. Montgomery’s classic novels has been brought to life by many excellent performers, directors and designers.

None of Anne & Gilbert’s success would have happened without the original investors in the production: Fred Hyndman, Doug Hall, Peter MacDougald and David Carmody. Their early support made Anne & Gilbert possible.

— Campbell Webster & David Malahoff

“A marvel .... the joy of the experience makes this one a winner.”


Toronto Star review